The challenges of the park
The archaeological park of Agongointo is the first museum of Benin organized around the archaeological vestiges. But, in matter of archaeology, the existing knowledge is restricted because few excavations had been done. The site dedicated to the museum is therefore one of the rare portion of the national territory or the archaeologists opened out teams of research. For that, Agongointo is called to act as example and to cause interventions of the same kind on behalf of the researchers so that the archaeological heritage of Benin is explored better.
The other challenge of the archaeological park of Agongointo ensues of its municipal museum statute. Here also, it is the first in Benin to be managed entirely by a municipality, Bohicon’s.Of course, the team that enlivens it has been formed under the aegis of the Ministry of the Culture and the Tourism. Certainly the Direction of the Heritage Cultural of this Ministry is arranged to follow the first steps of this cultural baby while bringing a technical support sustained to the young team assigned to take care of it there. But the park, according to its nature and components presents efficient difficulty concerning conservation and animation. And the technical support won't have effect if the animators to the daily appear conscientious and involved in working as pioneers to whom the posterity will be able to do a well deserved homage. To achieve that goal, they also need the constant attention of the municipal authorities of the town, with the understanding that the park is a tool of development to the service of the local and national community.
Finally the enthusiasm that comes with the birth of the archaeological park of Agongointo is a sign of hope. That open-air museum doesn't miss any assets to raise its present and future challenges brilliantly.
Presentation of the park | The challenges of the park | The assets of the park | Public of Agongointo